A newborn photography session full of smiles!

nebworn Francesca DB Photography


I don’t think I have ever photographed a newborn baby who had more smiles than Ezra :)

`Many people don’t call them “real smiles” but only “reflexes”: I love to believe this is not necessarily true.

Newborns’ smiles are definitely different from the social smiles they develop later on in their age. In fact they mostly happen while they babies sleep.

Despite him being asleep most of the time, his smiles always came as a consequence of a kiss, a stroke or a hug from mum and dad.

Even more interestingly, they were coming as response to a smile, a kiss or a hug the parents shared between the two of them.

The newborn smiles, differently from the smiles the babies develop later in age, are very short and don’t last very long.

As a photographer, I just learnt to be as quick as possible in order to leave to the parents one of the most precious memories to treasure.

Read the full article to find out more about newborns’ smiles.

nebworn Francesca DB Photography
nebworn Francesca DB Photography

nebworn Francesca DB Photography
nebworn Francesca DB Photography
nebworn Francesca DB Photography